Weather permitting, we can change your crews, bring your provisions on board and supply spare parts (express service available). Maximum range: north bound traffic lane.
For all anchoring and vessels
up to 60 nautical miles
from IJmuiden, Den Helder
and Lauwersoog harbours
Ring Paul Bakker –executive in charge
0031 (+) 620 018 540
Reachable during office hours
(08:00 -17:00)
Ring Angela Molenaar
(Price agreements, invoicing, subsequent costing, information)
0031 (+) 654 248 741
Weather permitting, we can change your crews, bring your provisions on board and supply spare parts (express service available). Maximum range: north bound traffic lane.
For all anchoring and vessels up to 60 nautical miles from IJmuiden, Den Helder and Lauwersoog harbours